Monday, December 6, 2010

Bloggin' away...

 I never knew how interesting it would be to use a blog. At first I didn't know what to expect but after a while I got used to posting the different types of blogs our class had to do. It was a good way to communicate with your classmates. I really got to know a lot of great people in the class and through our blogs. Everytime I commented on someone's blog, I would always share my real thoughts (just so you know). But im not sure if I will continue blogging. Maybe in the future I will continue to use blogs. Overall it was a great experience that I really enjoyed. Thanks to everyone who shared your thoughts and stories with me. Everyones blogs were great, and everyone has interesting things to say. I want to wish everyone good luck for their goals in life, and see you around everyone. ; )
 As for the class it was a wild ride. It seemed to be a really hard class, but as the semester followed I was not as worried anymore. Mrs. Croker is a funny teacher, and even though she does give out plenty of work it has helped me to write better essays and papers. I did'nt think I would enjoy College Compossition as much as I did, but I would really recommend Mrs. Croker to other students. (Don't be intimidated) It's fun as well as educational. Just go for it, and don't be afraid of the class YOU CAN DO IT!
  Thank you for showing us new writing skills Mrs. Croker and thanks for your jokes!


  1. Omar, thanks for the great bloggs, and keep on working towards your goals....I hope to see you around in the future semesters.....peace

  2. I like your clear and descripting writing!Your blogs are interesting!
