Monday, December 6, 2010

Bloggin' away...

 I never knew how interesting it would be to use a blog. At first I didn't know what to expect but after a while I got used to posting the different types of blogs our class had to do. It was a good way to communicate with your classmates. I really got to know a lot of great people in the class and through our blogs. Everytime I commented on someone's blog, I would always share my real thoughts (just so you know). But im not sure if I will continue blogging. Maybe in the future I will continue to use blogs. Overall it was a great experience that I really enjoyed. Thanks to everyone who shared your thoughts and stories with me. Everyones blogs were great, and everyone has interesting things to say. I want to wish everyone good luck for their goals in life, and see you around everyone. ; )
 As for the class it was a wild ride. It seemed to be a really hard class, but as the semester followed I was not as worried anymore. Mrs. Croker is a funny teacher, and even though she does give out plenty of work it has helped me to write better essays and papers. I did'nt think I would enjoy College Compossition as much as I did, but I would really recommend Mrs. Croker to other students. (Don't be intimidated) It's fun as well as educational. Just go for it, and don't be afraid of the class YOU CAN DO IT!
  Thank you for showing us new writing skills Mrs. Croker and thanks for your jokes!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

TED video post:

  After watching the video of Anne Cooper about food in schools from the TED website I learned some interesting facts. She was somewhat agressive in her argument about how we are allowing the new generation to become sick. We allow the food inspection corporations to feed children and people contaminated food. I was astounded how the USDA uses about a dollar a day to feed children in schools around the US. People are getting sick and children are getting sick, yet the USDA rather pay more for other unnecessary projects.
  She explains how children in today's generation will have a shorter life span than the older generations. Cooper also adds that if we continue down this path our medical systems will have great changes for the worst. I could not believe the kind of unjust treatment, we the people, have sufferen due to bad decisions by the government. It is not hard to believe since we are busy wasting more money and time on things that are really not that important.
  I was inspired into making better decissions on the way I vote, and to also focus more on things that are necessary for our future and health. It is really hard to believe on these ideals when so many people are making such bad decisions for our country, by allowing these kind of actions, or some people are simply ignorant. If it was my choice I would change many things about the way our communities are ran today, but I am not a governor or a president. Overall I found the information on all of the fast food TED videos useful for my upcoming research paper, and would recommend it for others in their research.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Three most important people : )

 One of these important people in my life is my mother. She has shown me how to grow and care for myself. She is the person who taught me my manners, teached me how to cook, and how to be very independant. My mom is a strong independant woman since as long as I could remember. Her fun personality and confidence has allowed me and my mother to form a strong mother and son bond. I think I relate more to her than to my father. Probably because I have lived with her my whole childhood.
  My dad might have not been there for almost half of my childhood, but he is also very important to me. He has always been there to tell me whats best for me. He is very funny and knows how to make jokes. I might not have much in common with him, but he has been through alot like my mother. I really respect both my parents, even though me and my dad tend to bump heads, he has helped make the person I am today.
  Last but not least is my sister. She is the best, most kindest person in the world. I am not saying it because she is my sister, but because she is very passionate about helping others, and people in need. She is the one who I looked up to since I was a kid. I would have thought my big brother would be, but it was her. She has always been there to listen to me and give me a boost when I am feeling down. When I thought no one else believed in me she did. We have always been like twins, but overall I am very greatfull for all of my family. I am thankful for what I have and not for what I wish I did.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reviewing Amazon Website!

 I wanted to show my review on a verry well known website ( Amazon is a website where people could buy and sell many kinds of things like; electronics, cloth, shoes, music, books, items seen on tv etc. It practically sells almost anything at regular, or considerably fair prices. The first month of purchases come with free shipping and handeling. When you chose to get a faster shipping, you might pay a little more, but it ships in two days after ordering stuff. I don't really rely on it for too much because I usually like to go to the stores to buy my things. I like to buy electronics from Amazon, and maybe a few pair of shoes here and there, so using Amazon makes it easy and convinient. Im not saying it is the best site, but I would deffinately recommend it. Sometimes it's better than going to the store when it's too crowded. You can always count on your goods to get delivered on time, and I have never had a problem using it. When you want to buy something you can see many different reviews on the item, and it can help you on your decisions on purchasing an item. There is also some items that are sold used and in great conditions. There is also a way to send gifts to family members who live far from you, and you can choose to have the box look like a gift with a gift card. Overall it is a great website and it can be very helpfull in these upcoming holidays. You should deffinately try it out!.  

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bye Bye Fast Food...

  Before reading the book Fast Food Nation in class I would eat fast food moderately, due to time consuming tasks and school. I always knew fast food was bad because some people would tell me and I also thought I knew everything there was to know about fast food, but I was wrong. After I read through all of the Fast Food Nation book pages, I could barely believe what I had read. My prespective on fast food had dramatically changed. I really don't eat too much meat and im certainley not vegetarian, but now I know why I was'nt too much into it. 
  It has always been easy for me get fast food because of the fast service and fair prices. This was also because I was either too busy, lazy, or tired to cook. From now on I have decided to cook my own meals as much as I can. Meat was big part of my family as I grew up, but today I really dont eat too much meat. The thing that I can substitute that is closest to meat would be chicken. Even though I am a little skeptic on chiken as well, I make sure not to get any chicken products from fast food places. It is not hard for me to eat healthy I choose the food that I eat, and I choose to live a life full of health. Food is something we can't live without, but that is why we were given everything edible in the world. We were given fruits, vegetables, and animals as well, but we were also remembered not to abuse of what we have and that is what people have been doing. We are not getting ill by what fast food establishments are giving us, rather than by the way we let things get out of hand. I have decided to eat better and make the better choices, even though I can't completely be vegetarian. Now I am carefull about what foods I eat, and Fast Food Nation has helped me make better decisions.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Here's My Answer(o_o)

  The people who guessed that I used to live in a house with some kind of paranormal activity were right. When I was a child growing up, the house I had lived in for most of my childhood I would say, was haunted. Some doors would swing open by themselves, We could hear footsteps on the attic, and one time the lock from the back door would move back and forth rapidly. I could also hear someone talking in the living room, yet no one else was there. Yeah it was prety scary living there, but we were never harmed in any way, just scared. The rest of my answeres were not even close to being true, sorry.
This Semester:
  This semester has been somewhat confusing for me. Since it's my first time going to college, I did not know what to expect. I also did'nt want to face the fact that I was not a kid anymore, I am an adult now. It's been hard to keep up with all of the homework, the pressure of getting everything done on time, and the will to study hard, so that I don't fail my classes. I have failed some exams, but that has only made me study even harder. College is not like high school, due to the fact that there are much more deadlines, and you have to learn things much faster. The people here at Oxnard College have been friendly and helpful so far, the people I have met have been friendly and helpful, I am really thankful for all the help I get. When I first started college all other seats were full, now they seem empty. The people who are still here truly want it. Overall everyone is here trying to do the best they can, and we all face our own difficulties. The rest is yet to come, but my motivation is the struggles of many people I have seen throughout my life including my family's. I am grateful for what I have, and giving up is never an option. I know that great things await me in the future and that my dedication will outshine my struggles. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can you guess...

1. I was involved in a severe dog attack and a chunk of my flesh was torn off.
2. I was stabbed when i was smaller.
3. My mother hates me.
4. I lived in a house that had some paranormal activity.
5. I was born in Canada.
6. I am so ugly that I cant stand to see my own face.